Wiley X P-17 Sunglasses Offer Outstanding Clarity And Certified Impact Protection
I am a snob when it comes to sunglasses and I rarely step outside without a pair on. Whether I’m fishing, cycling, shooting photography, or on the job, I want the clear, crisp vision that budget sunglasses don’t offer. The problem those premium models rarely offer ANSI-certified impact protection, so I have to switch for work. Today, I’m giving Wiley X P-17 sunglasses a shot for the first time to see if they strike the right balance.
- Excellent vision clarity
- Polarized
- ANSI Z87.1-certified safety protection
- Lightweight
- Includes case, cleaning cloth/bag, and two strap/choker options
- No significant drawbacks
Wearing Wiley X P-17 Sunglasses

Like all major brands, Wiley X has many frame models to choose from to fit the style you’re shooting for and match the shape of your face. The P-17 is one of the longest-running models in the entire lineup, featuring a shorter design compared to its width.
Featuring a 61mm lens width, 36mm lens height, 18mm bridge, and 120mm temple length, it a size and shape that fits small to medium-size faces well.
I have a medium face and can usually go with just about any frame other than small. The height was a little bit of a concern, but the eye coverage is excellent with a slightly close fit than some models I wear.
The arms wrap around wonderfully. There are rubber grip sections at the ends, but the fit is so good that it’s unnecessary in my case.
The P-17s are also very lightweight, unlike my Costa Tuna Alleys or Dragon Alliance Ridge X LLs. For long days on the water or at work, it makes them an easy choice.

Lens quality can make or break the experience. For this review, I chose the Wiley X P-17 with Captivate Polarized Green Mirror Lenses. My main purpose was to replace my inshore sunglasses, and this lens is the best bet for high contrast in those shallow, dirtier waters.
As you probably know, the mirroring color isn’t what dictates the color you see, and Wiley X’s green mirror lens offers a very warm tone combined with some red to get that high contrast.

Note the above photos with and without the lens are unedited except for cropping.
While not every lens in the P-17 group is polarized, this one is and is part of the Captivate lens series. The clarity is excellent and my ability to see detail looking into the water or across a field isn’t compromised at all.
What sets these apart from my other sunglasses is the protection factor. Wiley X designed them to meet ANSI Z87.1 high-velocity impact and clarity safety standards, so they’re 100% good to go as safety glasses. They also offer 100% UVA/UVB protection.
Wiley X P-17 Sunglasses Price

The P-17 style runs $100 – $180, depending on the lenses you choose, though we have seen them for less at online retailers from time to time. Inside the package, there’s a case, a cleaning cloth/bag, a choker, and a sports strap. Here’s the breakdown (frame color/lens color):
- Matte Black/Smoke Grey: $100
- Gloss Black/Captivate Polarized Green Mirror: $180
- Gloss Demi/Captivate Polarized Blue Mirror: $180
- Black Crystal/Captivate Polarized Red Mirror: $180
This is a prescription-ready frame style if you’re looking to add vision-correcting lenses to them.
The Bottom Line
Wiley X nailed it with the P-17. The style, fit, and lens quality is excellent. What really sells them for us is the Z87.1 rating. A lot of the folks who like their Costas, Ray-Bans, and other high-end options can’t wear them on the jobsite unless they carry that certification, so they end up stuck with whatever’s in the tool crib or buying a cheap pair and sacrificing lens clarity/color. Even the brands that do carry Z87.1 sunglasses tend to have a very limited selection, and that makes Wiley X a really attractive option.